Our work is only possible with the support of our generous donors. Thanks to you, we have been able to plant and care for thousands of trees since our inception, bringing communities together to create new permanent woodlands and fight the climate crisis.

With your help, we can create more woodlands than ever to lock up carbon and create vital space to help nature bounce back.

By donating to Avon Needs Trees, you are making possible a tree-planting project with a difference.  We buy land to create new woodlands in our local area.  This means our woodlands are permanent with long-term care, and you don’t need to worry about whether the trees will still be here in fifty years’ time.

We are especially grateful to our regular givers, who sign up to monthly contributions.  Much of our funding is tied to specific projects.  Between projects, when we are searching for land and commissioning surveys to make sure sites are suitable for tree planting, it is harder to pay these costs.  Our generous monthly donors allow us to plan and to search to make sure we can find our next woodland.