Landscape Recovery in the Lower Chew Valley commences!
By Matthew Smith, Natural Capital & Corporate Partnership Lead During August and September we have been busy with our partners at the Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust […]
During the Summer, Avon Needs Trees and experienced Forest School Leaders from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust offered FREE forest school sessions with a range of outdoor games, crafts and nature based activities over five Tuesdays in the summer holidays at our beautiful 34 acre site at Hazeland near Calne. Hazeland includes riverside meadow, ancient woodland and hillside meadows with views across the surrounding area and provided the perfect setting for a fun filled day with plenty to write home about. Below is a snippet of feedback from some of our attendees!
Feedback from the Forest Schools
‘(we) had the most amazing day at the forest school session today, the girls loved
the fire making, hot chocolate, exploring the wildlife and trying their best to catch a
butterfly. The guides were fabulous, very informative/knowledgeable and was always
keen to answer the children’s questions. The session ran smoothly and was
extremely organised, overall I was very impressed and wouldn’t hesitate to book
again. Lots of memories made’
‘Make the day longer! We loved it!’
‘This is heaven… just my children and me in nature making things together’
‘This is way better than I thought it would be!’ (9 year old participant)