Avon Needs Trees Volunteer Portal is a new area on our website that allows you to search easily for volunteer opportunities near you.

With a simple log-in system, volunteers can set up a volunteer profile which will allow you to book onto volunteering events with one click. This replaces our previous system, meaning that you don’t need to add your personal details every time you want to volunteer with us. 

Image - Ecosulis

How do I use the new system?

The prompt to ‘Register’ will guide you through easy steps to set up your unique profile within our secure volunteer area. This will replace any previous volunteer registration forms you’ve completed with us, and is an essential first step in continuing to volunteer with ANT. Once you’ve filled in some basic details, you can upload a photo if you like and then book yourself onto one of our upcoming volunteering opportunities.

You can search for Volunteer opportunities using the search tool on the front page of the volunteer portal.

If you log in, you will be shown the newest volunteer opportunities and the ones closest to your home address.


What are the benefits for volunteers?

The new volunteer portal comes with lots of great perks. You can join our growing community by creating a profile and upload a photo of yourself. That way you’ll have access to all the necessary volunteering information and documents in one easy place. 

You’ll be able to log your volunteer hours and earn badges or rewards for the amount of time you give to the cause.

You will have direct access to the Activity Leader for each volunteer day and can message them within the portal. They will also be able to communicate with you via message or email, so you’ll always have up to date information about the woodland site where you’re volunteering.

The volunteer portal is available to access via Avon Needs Trees website or you can download the special app onto your phone or tablet. If you want to, you will be able to log in to your profile and book volunteer opportunities via social media too.

You may also hear news about other similar volunteering organisations or updates from our woodland creation sites across the Bristol-Avon area.

Image - Ecosulis

What are the benefits for ANT?

The new volunteer portal looks great on our website and also makes life a lot easier behind the scenes. It’s a significant investment in the way we look after our volunteers and will give people greater autonomy to manage their volunteering days themselves. Our well-trained volunteer Activity Leaders will be able to handle the admin and safety preparations for each volunteer day within the volunteer portal, and many of the built-in features will save our staff time. We will now have a central repository for all things volunteering: There is a resources section, a simple way to give and receive feedback, secure data control and an anonymised reporting system which will help us provide essential information to our grant funders.

Avon Needs Trees volunteer portal shows we are committed to offering our volunteers the best possible experience, as we continue to grow our community of tree planters, nature lovers and climate activists. 

We will also be able to advertise and manage applications for training opportunities and various new volunteering roles through the portal, so our active volunteers will be the first to hear about new opportunities. As we acquire new land for tree planting, the breadth of volunteer opportunities will also increase in this easy-to-scale system.


Image - Chris Head

Why this system?

We pride ourselves on being good at tree care, and we know we can’t be experts on everything, which is why we are working with Team Kinetic to create our volunteer portal. Team Kinetic are experts in volunteer management software, they’ve been doing it for over a decade, winning awards and listening to the needs of thousands of volunteers along the way.

After diligent research, we’ve found that Team Kinetic’s approach to volunteer management software is a pretty good fit for our needs, and the needs of our growing community of volunteers too. Several of the Wildlife Trusts use Team Kinetic software for their volunteers, as do NatureScot and the Youth Hostel Association.

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