Landscape Recovery in the Lower Chew Valley commences!
By Matthew Smith, Natural Capital & Corporate Partnership Lead During August and September we have been busy with our partners at the Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust […]
It has been many weeks since we updated you on our purchase of Hazeland, the 34 acres near Calne where we will be replanting and rewilding to create new, permanent forest. The conveyancing was badly delayed by COVID, and by some difficult negotiations with the vendor. However, we are finally able to announce the fantastic news that we have just completed.
With your help, we now own Hazeland!
We are now in a position to begin planning events that you can participate in. These will include butterfly, bat, badger and bird monitoring events; volunteer work days; forest schools; history days and much more.
Our first volunteer work days will be the weekend of the 29th and 30th of August, and we have another one on Friday 11th of September. We will be clearing some rubbish off the land (including old plastic tree guards and other debris), taking down some redundant fencing, and setting up the tool shed and compost loos.
Tree planting will begin in November and we will need a great deal of help to get several thousand trees into the ground.
To register for any kind of volunteering, or to get more information, please get in touch via contact@avonneedstrees.org.uk, and please complete the two parts of our volunteer registration form;
Part 1 – https://forms.gle/5He3xnXmTmX7bhPX9
Part 2 – https://forms.gle/Gm9GKKVLJcCATVrU9
Part 1 is basic information about you that we need for health and safety reasons. Part 2 is a handful of equalities questions which we use to make sure we’re reaching a diverse variety of communities across our region, and to feedback to our funders. Part 2 is completely anonymous and your answers cannot be linked back to you. Please complete both parts. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at Hazeland!
In celebration of our purchase, volunteer Fritjof Koerber has written this fantastic, fun poem that really sums up why Avon Needs Trees’s work is so important. Thanks also to volunteer Hannah Sackett who has added wonderful illustrations.